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About Plan A

Meet Mel

Our junior wedding coordinator with a keen eye for details.

Mel grew up in in Auckland, New Zealand before relocating to her home of Indonesia.
Originally from Jakarta, Mel has had an extensive background in education, retail and hospitality making her perfect for the role of a planner because of her patience, attention to detail and friendly personality on the day.


Mel is extremely methodical and will ensure that at every stage of your big day making sure you dot your I's and cross your T's. But don't let that fool you into thinking she doesn't have a creative touch. Mel's dreamed of her own wedding, planning all the things she'd love for it. She is fully invested in our client's love stories so don't be surprised if you see her misty eyed when you're saying your vows!


Mel has travelled around the world and loves good food and good coffee. Being that she has such an international and diverse background, Mel is able to get along with anyone, anywhere, and this has resulted in harmonious and smooth flowing events for all involved.


With glowing feedback from clients and guests alike, you'll be so happy knowing she has your back throughout the day and night.

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